How To Make 2-Ingredient Avocado Shaved Ice | Well+Good

2022-08-21 17:45:27 By : Ms. Apple liu

BTW, while this avocado dessert may be unfamiliar to some, know that this dish has been around for ages. It hails from Southeast Asia, where several variations of this simple recipe are a staple depending on the region (more on this below). Today, thanks to hundreds of trending videos on TikTok, people are trying this tasty green treat worldwide. So, how exactly do you make avocado shaved ice? We’ve got the inside (ahem) scoop for you.

In a TikTok video by @bbymmii, My Thảo explains that she was perplexed when she arrived in the United States from Vietnam and learned that Americans mostly used avocados in savory dishes like salads and sandwiches. This is because, she says, in her native country, they are used for making sweet desserts and smoothies, like Sinh Tố Bơ, a Vietnamese avocado shake. Although you may associate avocados with origins in Central and South America, Southeast Asian production of the fruit also ranks highly. According to Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database, Indonesia was the fifth-highest producer of avocados in 2020.

So, what to do with all of these avocados you may ask? Well, turn them into dessert, of course. In the popular video above, Thảo demonstrates how to use the fruit to make one of her favorite avo-dishes (bơ dầm) that looks a lot like cereal, but with a lot more chill... literally. She starts by cutting up the avocado into small cubes, adds crushed ice, and stirs in a generous splash of sweetened condensed milk before mixing it all together in a bowl. As the ice begins to melt, it dissolves into the condensed milk, coating the avocado chunks with a sweet and custard-y liquid.

Trust: The creamy texture of an avocado pairs perfectly with crunchy ice. It's this magical combination that makes this dessert so refreshing. Plus, the sweetened condensed milk transforms the dish into a delectable treat that gives ice cream a run for its money. We also quickly learned that avo-desserts aren’t only exclusive to Vietnamese cuisine. Commenters on the video noted that they also enjoy sweet takes on the fruit in places like the Philippines, Brazil, and in Lebanon, where they eat it with sugar or honey. While you might be used to enjoying avocados in savory dishes exclusively, we confidently believe this tasty variation will make you reconsider the fruit's dessert potential.

Now, if you’re ready to embark on your avocado dessert-making dreams, we’ve gathered a few tips to make this recipe a success every time. In this TikTok video by @thekwendyhome, Wendy creates the dish using shaved ice instead of cubes (swoon). No fancy frosty-making machine at home to make shaved ice? No problem. Freeze a freezer-safe container filled with water and use a grater to grate the block for that iconic snowball flaky consistency.

Next, if you’re looking for a less sugary alternative, try swapping out the sweetened condensed milk with the unsweetened kind and a squirt of maple syrup or agave. And, if you want to easily make this 100 percent plant-based, try using sweetened condensed coconut milk instead—so delicious.

Last but certainly not least, keep in mind that the star of the show, the avocados, must be perfectly ripe to achieve the creamiest and *dreamiest* avocado shaved ice dish. Learn how to keep them ripe for months here to guarantee you have a stash ready to go for when the craving for this easy dessert hits. (And if the ice cubes are throwing you off or not feeling so great on your teeth, you can always blend together the ingredients for a rich and sweet smoothie-like treat.)

Ingredients 1 ripe avocado 1 1/2 cups shaved ice 3 Tbsp sweetened condensed milk

1. Cut a ripe avocado into bite-size pieces, and add to a large bowl.

2. Add crushed ice and condensed milk. Mix together, and enjoy.

As if we needed another excuse to eat more avocados. Well, here it is anyway. 

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